One could say that words exist because there is a need for them.
So, what about this has to do with spanking?
In Swedish there is a specific word for being spanked by the birch! It's called risbastu, which literary means "birch sauna," but are more accurately translated as "birching". Risbastu is a very fitting word because I really get warm and sweaty during a session of the birch, although the heat is mostly concentrated on one particular spot.
Since I'm writing about spanking-related words in Swedish, lets continue with the language lesson:
Plain spanking is smisk in Swedish, although smisk originally refers to lighter spankng, mostly with the open palm (also called dask), and it roughly can be translated into "slap". Nowadays though, I'm under the impression that "spank" can be directly translated into "smisk". Antoher way of referring to spanking in Swedish is smäll i stjärten, or just smäll. Smäll is a word with a wide meaning, roughly translated as crack, bang, slam, snap knock, blow, smack, etc. The phrase i stjärten, just means, "on the butt". Thus, "Vill du ha smäll (i stjärten)?" is the Swedish way of saying: "Do you want a spanking on your bottom?" The word stryk could probably also be used as spanking, although its translation is more ascosiated with beating than with spanking.
Birch rod, is in Swedish in reverse order: björkris. Björk means birch, as in the tree with white bark, and in this case the rod is ris. The difference between ris and rod however is that in English "rod" usually just refers to a single stick, like a cane. The Swedish ris on the other hand, is a bundle of sticks/twigs. Incidentally, and for some unknown reason, ris also means rice (yes, the thing you eat) in Swedish. It's no use just calling the birches (as spanking implement) simply as björk, unless you are requesting to get spanked by a whole tree trunk. And if you just say just ris, your spanker might get confused that you want to be hit with rice!
I think though that birch plainly works very well for ris -- the ris for spanking that is.