But first things first, I here post the pictures of last weekend's punished butt, as promised...

I enjoy these after-spanking photo-shoots tremendously, actually. I love raising my butt to the camera. I feel naughty and nice and I get wet almost without fail, especially if the spanking had been a pretty intense one. In fact, I would say these are one of those times when I feel the sexiest... Has the punished slut learned her lesson after all? Hmm... maybe not.
Anyway, Abby from the Little Red Schoolhouse raised a comment in the last post about mustering the courage to buy and try the carpet beater. For my part at least, I think the pain is worth it. I mean, any other implement will hurt -- that's always the given precondition anyway, isn't it? But what other implement gives you such uniquely patterned markings? :-) I think they're almost... elegant. They're not the brutish type of markings from the belt or from the brush. Instead, the red curves almost look like calligraphy, or a patterned tattoo.

Besides, although the carpet beater definitely hurts (it's stingy but also feels hard on impact), the butt never gets any large sore-spots like in belting. Really, belting is nice but it also gets really unbearable sometimes when the belt keeps on hitting one single sore spot over and over again and you finally feel like your skin will just lift off with the belt. It's not so with carpet beating, where I feel I get just the right amount of sting (as opposed to those dreadful birches!) and also the right amount of "thud" and still feel punished. Actually, I am prepared to change my first ever entry and put "carpet beater" as one of my favorite implements to be given to me as well.
The carpet beater is, in my opinion anyway, an implement to be used with a sense of "balance" or care to the one being spanked. Believe me, even the slightest taps can hurt really much, not to mention the ones given in full swing. As the giver of carpet-beating spankings, I think it's important to know that it has great effect for so little spanking effort (really, try it on yourself!). That way, your partner won't be in for a shock! Also, carpet beaters come in different sizes, but I prefer the smaller ones which have less risk of hitting the small of the back, which is very painful when hit.
The day after the carpetbeating, my butt looked like this. Not bad, eh?

~ Now to my question, which I hope some of you readers will oblige: ~
Hope to hear from some, at least! Thanks in advance,
Mmm... I'm very new to my own spanking journey and these pictures make want to go find a carpet beater :)
Yeah, but a carpet beater!
I believe the smaller less elaborate ones are actually more stingy than the gigantic ones, but we got to buy more carpet beaters to confirm this theory of ours... ;-)
oops typo there "buy" a carpetbeater instead of "but". Must be some Freudian slip :-D
Where do you find a carpet beater? The only ones I have seen are metal or too brutal to smack a bottom.
Actually, carpet beaters are for sale in almost every store's household section here in Sweden! It's even for sale at the hardware! Perhaps it's not so elsewhere?
However, Abby did say in her comment in the previous post that antique shops usually sell such things; hopefully its the real deal with no metal.
Welcome Carolyn and Marcus! I'm loving your blog so far. It seems we share some common elements in our relationships.
With us, I'm the HOH 99% of the time. But I do enjoy a really sound spanking now and again.
Stop by our blog sometime when you get a chance. http://histospankhistolove.blogspot.com/
I look forward to many more posts from you both.
Carpet beaters are available in many caning shops, home decorating shops like World Bizzare or even Crates-n-Barrels on occasion. They are also available from many places on the net.
Some are rattan, some just resin stiffened hemp. Some are quite elaborate in their weave while some are very plain. The Omish make several that are heart shaped and it is always nice to remind any bearing all for you that it is with love. ( weg )
I prefer whichever one my s/s hate the most...as a rule. A spanking is with love and for a purpose here. Some custom design is not completed on time...a deadline goes on the calendar. The art will be finished or...it is red bottom day. My little programer will finish that code by her deadline, that she set as very reasonable, or I will mark her cute little bottom. it is curious...just how many deadlines are actually missed!
To Dave and Cindy: dropped by your blog! Lots of good stories in there, as well as terrific pictures! You'll be sure it won't be my last time to visit!
To Foxfleet: We have the heart shaped ones here too! But mostly the stores sell the ones that look like, uh, Danish pastry! As for me, I've actually been *very* good after my carpet beating and I've stayed true to every task! However, my butt is starting to look fine again, so maybe it's time to miss a chore or so. ;-)
I feel badly for not having a chance to stop by your blog over the weekend! Especially being named and all. :-) I really am going to have to pursue this carpet beater idea. I love the description of the marks being similar to calligraphy! Also, due to someone's recent fascination with a leather strap, I too have felt like my poor bottom's skin is about to lift right off. I wouldn't mind feeling like bruised calligraphic art instead!
No problem about that, Abby. Your bottom was probably too sore to sit down for long at the computer. :-) Kidding.
Anyway, my butt is starting to look better again. Huhu! :-P
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